Monday, January 5, 2009

Korea Herald is a mal-site?

Imagine my surprise when I visited the Korean Herald recently and saw this message in Firefox.

I thought, "No. Must have gone to the wrong site." So, I went to Google and was welcomed with this message.

Notice the, "This site may harm your computer" message.

So, it's official. Not only does the Korea Herald have terrible reporting, thus harmful to readers' minds, but harmful for your computer too.

Really, I wonder what did this? Probably some of that ActiveX crap they are always trying to load.


  1. I found the same warning today, too. It's really disappointing to see a news site, let alone "the Nation's No.1 English Newspaper" has malware. Thanks goodness for Google & Firefox's malware protection.

  2. It does seem ridiculous, doesn't it? I'd seriously think about firing their CTO (if they have one). From what I've seen of the Korea Herald, though, I wouldn't be surprised if the CTO was a college intern :)


  3. so, any suggestions on an alternate news site?

  4. Hi candida,

    There are many English language Korean news sites. Check the list on the right-hand side of this page (you'll have to scroll down a little)

    I particularly like the Korea Times.


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