Monday, December 12, 2005

Talkr down again

I don't know what to think about Talkr (the engine that creates audio versions of my blog entries). They are down again. I know that they are up and comers, but they've been down more than they have been up.

I'll stick with them for a week or so. If they are not up in that time I'll have to remove their code from the template. It's too bad. It's a good idea and the price was right (free).


  1. Hi Daniel,

    My apologies that Talkr was down again on Sunday / Monday morning. We have had an issue with downtime recently, and we're working hard to fix it. We've launched fixes in the last week for two of the most persistent problems: zero-length audio files and a database corruption issue that was bringing down the MySQL server.

    I hope you'll stick with Talkr -- we have a lot of features that we're very excited to release -- but first we'll have to earn your trust by keeping the servers up and running.


  2. Hi Daniel,
    I think Talkr is great too, but it's been down for several days now. I've read it's been sold and the new owners will extend it's functionality. I tried Vozme on blog and website recently:

    Has copy/paste scripts that can work on a website or blog. I'm using one version on my blog here:
    (reads blog posts)

    and another on my website here:
    (button under left menu; select text then press).

    The voice can be set to male or female; not as clear as Talkr but it does automatically create an MP3 to download.

    I'm hoping Talkr comes back too. Regards, Liam

  3. Hi Liam,

    I haven't really used it for a while. The performance has been spotty and I haven't really been using this site too much these days.

    Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out.



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