Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why Sleep Is Needed To Form Memories

Why Sleep Is Needed To Form Memories

I guess this is just another reason why I should get more sleep (said around 3am). Just add this to reams of other articles advocating sleep for health reasons. It seems to me, the best thing that we can do for ourselves and our children is to establish good sleep habits.

This is tough for me to do now. I've had such terrible sleep patterns for so long that I don't think that I can change. Add to this a non-standard, alternating schedule and a child that dictates when I sleep and when I wake and you get a man who is always tired. I'm sure that this is true of many people (for similar or completely different reasons).


  1. Many of the Korean kids I teach get less than 6 hours a night, so that could explain why they aren't learning much in my class. Sure is better than the other possibilities...

  2. I attribute the sleeping student in the front row to my ever-so-interesting teaching presence :)

    This is certainly not just a Korean issue. Without a coffee in hand, I tend to sleep through any lecture. Of course, I guess that is the secret...don't lecture :)


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